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In most JRPGs, players will need to grind their way up to the max level in order to be competent in battle, especially if there’s a post-game dungeon. Luckily, Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age is no exception.

As the much awaited Dragon Quest XI releases today, it’s important to keep in mind that players will be grinding if they wish to do all of their content. For veterans who have played previous Dragon Quest games, grinding shouldn’t be a problem and should pretty much be familiar with the method of grinding.

Those who need help in grinding, here’s how to level-up and gain EXP faster:

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Dragon Quest XI Level Guide


In Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age, there are certain monsters that give a lot of experience points when they are defeated. Fortunately, those who have played a Dragon Quest game should know them by now – the Metal monsters. Yes! these Metal monsters will be making a return in Dragon Quest XI and they have places where they spawn. Sure, their appearance rate is low but if you happen to see them, you are guaranteed to get tons of experience points.

Defeating the Metal Monsters

When you encounter Metal Monsters, they will either run or stay. If they do stay in battle, it is your chance to take them down as fast as you can because they might run away.

Defeating the Metal Monsters may be quite hard if you don’t know what you’re doing. First off, their evasion is really high and if you are lucky to hit them the damage you’ll deal with is 1. Don’t worry though – these Metal Monsters have little HP at around 5-10 but as you can see, they’re hard to damage.

At the later portion of the game, you will have an opportunity to deal damage with proper weapons and skills. With weapons such as Liquid Metal Sword, Liquid Metal Great Sword, and other Liquid Metal inspired weapons, this guarantees a hit to the enemy or the Metal Slash ability can guarantee a hit on these monsters. As for ways to make sure they don’t run – there are skills and abilities that get them to stay such as using Snooze to make them sleep or using a Pep Power to trap them in battle.


Without further ado – here are the locations of the Metal Monsters:

Metal Slime

These Metal Slime are the smallest metal monsters that can appear at anytime in battle. If defeated, they give around 6000 experience points, which is good at early parts of the game.


They are seen very frequently in: Caverns Under Octagonia


Other Metal Slime
There are other Metal Slime that appears in other areas such as The Other Side that gives a different amount of experience points. These other Metal Slimes specifically in The Other Side gives 10000 EXP.

Once you beat the game and are doing the post-game content, the strongest Metal Slime that gives 30,300 experience points can be found in Drustan’s Labyrinth Trials.

Metal King


Metal King

The Big Metal King Slime is the better version of Metal Slime. It gives a decent amount of experience points that vary from 30000-50000 EXP. They are found frequently in the Fortress of Fear.

Hardy Hand

Dragon Quest 11 Slots Jackpot

The most dangerous Metal Monster that you will encounter in Dragon Quest XI is the Hardy Hand. They frequently appear in Mount Huji and Drustan’s Labyrinth Trial but can appear very rarely in other places.

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When you encounter this monster, make sure your party is immune to Insta-death as it likes to use Whack. Also, make sure you will finish the fight as you won’t be able to escape until you defeat it.